
Project type: Sculpture

Date: May 2024

Location: University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Materials: Fabric, Yarn, Plastic, and Wood

"Everlasting" is the second piece in my series called "Concept the Soul". In this project, I wanted to explore how to represent the soul as something that can be recognized. Instead of focusing on a fixed shape, I decided to highlight a form that is unfamiliar and always changing. I paid close attention to the elements of form, line, movement, space, and color in my artwork. When you look at this piece, your attention is initially drawn to its form. The form is not clearly defined, allowing you to focus on the object's movement rather than its physical structure. My goal was to emphasize the essence of the soul and describe it as an eternal external entity. I wanted it to constantly transform, breaking away from traditional shapes like circles or squares. To achieve this, I used flexible pipes and molded them into unrecognizable shapes with an organic quality. Once these shapes were placed on their platforms, the wind or people passing by would cause them to sway in harmony with the airflow. I added yarn to enhance their mobility, ensuring that they didn't have a fixed form. Movement adds life, intensity, and overall visual appeal to art. By arranging the elements strategically, I aimed to guide the viewer's gaze and create a sense of dynamism.





Self Portrait